are you wearing sexy lingerie every day? here's why you should...
put sexy lingerie on repeat daily + start to rock your own world
So let's start by defining "sexy lingerie" as lingerie that makes YOU feel sexy, alive, vibrant, playful, ignited and authentically you. That can be red silk or black leather or white cotton — or all of them depending on the day. It can be kinky or couture or basic AF — or all of it depending on the day. We're simply making the case that wearing your version of your sexiest lingerie... the pieces that make you walk differently, move differently, show up differently, think differently and feel differently are the ones you should consider wearing to ignite you on the daily. No matter their cost, their effort, their visibility to anyone but you.
If you're someone who doesn't think the effort of wearing sexy lingerie every day is worth the payoff, read on and give it a shot. The potential for stirring what's latent or buried just might be worth tying up that corset. Worst case, you get to steal glances of hotness every time you hit the loo.
sexy lingerie stirs your sensuality
You can't help but feel more fierce, more feminine, more sensual when you're wearing what you know moves you. And the more you experiment and play with new looks, the more possibilities there are to discover more layers to your sensuality.
sexy lingerie teases your lover
Not because you look "better" or "hotter" in sexy lingerie, it's because you feel more deliciously you and that confidence, sensuality and sexuality is undeniably captivating. Use it to channel your flirt, your play, your tease and toy with your lover all damn day.
sexy lingerie ignites you
Every time you look in the mirror you have another opportunity to take yourself in, let yourself revel in lusciousness that is you and your curves.
sexy lingerie inspires creative style
How will accessorize, how you will adorn your body, how will you let your lingerie flirt for you? Starting with lingerie and building your outfit around that feeling will give you an entirely different style experience.
sexy lingerie harnesses your feminine power
Studies show that wearing your laciest panties, silkiest bras and yummiest pieces can make you feel more confident and powerful. How would your work life, love life, relationships and more be different if you showed up grounded in your power?
sexy lingerie reminds you of your worth
Treating yourself by wearing pieces once deemed too luxurious for everyday shows you that you're worth the extra effort and indulgence of being treated like a queen. The more you remind yourself, the more this feeling becomes your default state of being in the world.
sexy lingerie inspires you to flirt
Your naughty little secret — that you're wearing your sexiest, fuck-off lingerie — can help you dance, tease and play more with life. Let yourself flirt with you, your lover, a sexy stranger... let that delicious energetic playfulness keep you in the moment all throughout your day.
sexy lingerie drives more fantasies
As you're moving through your day with your yummiest silk and lace tickling your skin, what's running through mind? A naughty little fantasy about your hot trainer? A Domme moment where you demand what you want at work — and get it? A public display of seduction where you meet your partner after work and describe in detail what you're wearing?
sexy lingerie helps you get what you want
If studies show that lingerie makes us feel more powerful, what if we channel that power when we walk out the door then use it in situations where we need to negotiate, set boundaries, ask for what we want. When negotiating salary, when debating a point during a tough meeting, when giving difficult feedback.
sexy lingerie can slow you down
What if you let yourself really indulge in wearing your lingerie so you stay in the moment, less stressed, more calm. What that luxurious feeling can serve as a reminder that the little things in life are worth savoring.
sexy lingerie invites role play
If you're just not the type who wears your sexiest pieces to work or the market or brunch, imagine that you are. What if you show up in line as that person? Channel the part of you that's excited by being someone different? Give yourself a name, a new identity, a new mission for the day. Meet your lover out to enjoy the role play or chat up a stranger and test-drive this new side of your personality.
How can you start adding sexy lingerie into your everyday style?

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