trade the self-shit talking w/ positivity, affirmations + hype
ready to swap your inner critic for self-love affirmations?
We talk so much &^$&^$^$% to ourselves, which keeps us in a negative space and can unconsciously move us to behave in ways that reinforce or manifest exactly what we say to ourselves. Instead of just pushing aside the negative self-talk, or worse, letting it take root and live inside your head, flip the script. We've taken some of the worst shit-talking we say to ourselves and rewritten them into positive self-talk that can help free you from spinning into negativity. Use the below examples to arm yourself against your inner critic and unleash your inner hype crew. Experts say the key is not only switching your thoughts when they happen, but also to believe in your new affirmation.

If you think:
I’m out of shape.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
All of my choices today will be deliciously healthy.
If you think:
I’m too scared.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
You can't crack my Zen veneer — I can do this.
If you think:
I’m ugly. I don't look like [insert influencer here]
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Like Sophia Loren, my beauty is iconic and one of a kind.
If you think:
I’m average.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I’m exceptional at being me. No one else could do it better.
If you think:
I’m too young. // I'm too old.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I’m the perfect age to max out my potential.
If you think:
I’m not smart enough.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I can learn everything I need to know to reach my dreams.
If you think:
I’ve got bad luck.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I create my own luck.
If you think:
X will never happen for me.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Bring it on!
If you think:
Nothing goes right for me.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Everything in my world is perfectly orchestrated in my favor.
If you think:
Nothing good ever happens to me.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Life showers me with blessings… especially when I’m looking in the other direction.
If you think:
No one will love me.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I am loved beyond measure for who I am.
If you think:
I’ll never find a partner.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I’m so busy finding the juiciest joy in life, I didn’t notice.
If you think:
I don’t have any talents.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I am the best [pole dancer, card deck shuffler, child’s pose taker, name rememberer, birthday card sender, cocktail shaker, etc.] going.

If you think:
I don’t have a superpower.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
My [infectious laugh, joke-telling abilities, bear hugs, soup-making-for-sick-friends, twerking, blow job giving, kissing, orgasm orchestrating] is a superpower even if it doesn’t come with a cape.
If you think:
What will people think?
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Who the fuck cares what people think 'cuz it’s my life to live, boo.
If you think:
I can’t trust anyone.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I trust myself completely to know who to trust.
If you think:
I’m always overlooked.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I’m the star of my own show, baby.
If you think:
I’m not ready for that [job, promotion, challenge].
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I'll take it and figure out the details later.
If you think:
I’m not leadership material.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Give me a whip and thigh-high boots and I’ll take charge, no problem.
If you think:
I can’t do that.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I can do whatever I dream as long as I believe (and dare to take a chance).
If you think:
I will fail.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
There is no failure, only my rockstar success in the making.
If you think:
No one wants to hear what I have to say.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
My unique voice matters. And the people who matter hang on my every word.
If you think:
I don’t add value.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I have a unique perspective that only I bring to the table.
If you think:
I don’t have time for that.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Time is my friend, and I can do whatever I decide is possible.
If you think:
I can’t save.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I'm rich AF because I pay myself first.
If you think:
I can’t get out of debt.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I’m abundant, I'm worthy of wealth, I make smart money choices, I rig the money game in my favor.
If you think:
There’s no point in trying.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
Trying is fun AF, easy AF, and circumstances can shift in a second.
If you think:
If people really knew me, they'd find out XYZ....
Switch to a positive affirmation:
If people really knew me, they’d discover the unique, incomparable, exceptional person I am at my core.
If you think:
I never win anything.
Switch to a positive affirmation:
I’m winning at life everyday I wake up, and it only gets better by the minute.
What sexy affirmations shift your mood instantly?

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