kickstart that financial flow with these sexy life hacks

Before we get to sexy life hacks, let's start with the fundamental principal of sugar daddy-dom: To be a sugar daddy, you need sugar. And to get sugar, you need to boss up. (Generally speaking.) That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to dive head first into the hustle or give everything to a company that doesn’t give back in exchange for cash. It does mean, however, that you get an opportunity to rethink what being a sugar daddy means to you, what it looks like in reality and what steps you need to take to get you there.

Check out these 9 magical ways to turn on that creative, sexual, sensual flow that leads to greater cash flow. Your way, your terms, your juiciest aliveness.

sexy life hack: learn to love sugar. 

Let’s be real, lots of us have a dysfunctional relationship with money. If that’s you, it’s time to haul your ass to couples therapy and get that relationship back on track. Remember, money is your friend. Money is good. Money is not the root of all evil — it’s the keys to the kingdom. 

sexy life hack: know your sugar budget. 

"Budget" isn't an inherently sexy term but it is when you realize that your freedom comes when you know exactly where your money is from and where it's going. Do you know... How much cash flow do you need to make your monthly bills, how much to save, how much to invest and how much to spoil yourself. That’s the amount of $$ you need to manifest and go out and get. If your salary doesn’t match your intention and vision, your side hustle should. If not, rethink your budget or your salary so that more money comes in than goes out.

life hacks

sexy life hack: own your sweet spot. 

Are you getting enough sex? Is your sexual flow working? Are you as creative as you can be? When those pleasure juices are flowing, the sugar is sure to follow…

sexy life hack: invest in your own candy. 

To be the boss, you have to act like the boss. What does that look like to you? It might mean investing in a banging wardrobe, taking a cooking class, learning a second language, or mastering massage. When you invest in yourself, you’re making a commitment to your happiness and well-being. Plus, you’re making your brand worth more. 

sexy life hack: satisfy your sweet tooth. 

We all have one. And we all satisfy it differently. Get clear on what makes you drool. Dinner out? Cocktails at midnight? Jazz clubs? Weekends away? Mani-pedi dates? Make sure you know how to satisfy your cravings.  

sexy life hack: don't starve yourself of sweets.

Financial experts have done that math: You won’t become a billionaire by skipping a $4 latte. You can smartly spend on what fills you up and still become financially wealthy. Are you investing in your company’s 401k? Are you being paid market value for your job? If not, ask to be. Have you gotten new skills that can leverage you into higher-paying roles? Sugar daddies don't starve themselves or the ones they love.  

sexy life hack: give yourself a relationship cavity.

The juicier, riper and sweeter your relationships with the ones you love, the juicier, riper and sweeter your life will be. Consider how connected, present and juicy is your relationship to your friends, family, lovers, partners? What do you need to mend? What conversations need to be had to clear the air? Then, are you showing up for them, making more than small talk, investing in their lives? Make your relationships as deliciously loving as possible and you’ll feel the wealth seep into your life.

life hacks

sexy life hack: your health is the honey of life. 

Every sugar daddy knows to take care of No. 1 first. Only then can you be the light in the lives of all your loves. Know your health sweet spot. Whether it’s a solid eight (or 10) hours, morning pages, nighttime meditation, lunchtime walks outside, nutrient-rich meals, weekend reading retreats, that mid-day orgasm that brings you back to life, do what you know you need to do to be your absolute sweetest self for you.

sexy life hack: sugar is sweet, curiosity might be sweeter. 

Need a sugar spike? Lean into your curiosities to get your creative, sexual, sensual and financial flow going again. Discovery can mean a trying new sex position, firing up a different toy, hitting a new club, swiping right because it feels right.

What sexy life hacks do you use to secure your own sugar daddy status? Drop your tips in the comments below.

xxx, Lunatic Femme

life hack: sugar daddies love new lingerie

oh hey, sugar daddy... need more sexy life hacks?
