drop the beat: sexual, sensual, meditative playlist for spiritual AF fvcking
try a meditative playlist that's music to your pussy's ears
Sometimes sex can feel like the moodiest, yummiest meditation, that spiritual AF experience that leaves you wondering what dimension or timeline you hopped into and back. If that's your speed, let the lyrics in this playlist take your body on an energetic wave of pleasure, amping up your erotic energy into a tornado of yummy emotions that leads to nirvana. Think artists like think Pushloop, Great Dane, Alef, Liquid Bloom, Ohme, Amanati, Losco, Woodju, Ivy Lab, DJ Taj Rashid and more. Cue the beats, see you on the other side ;) Want more playlists that stir you and ignite that sexy, spiritual and creative flow state? Follow Lunatic Femme on Spotify.
What types of music do you use for sensual, meditative playlist?

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