small ways to connect, re-connect, create intimacy w/your partner (that aren't sex)
how many ways can you create intimacy? we love a sexy challenge...
Some of the yummiest, sexiest parts of your relationship have less to do with sex and more to do with the intimate moments in between of shared experiences, discovery, growth and more. We rounded up our fave ways to stay connected, drive curiosity and keep it fresh with our partners so we both stay excited, engaged and in step with each other. See what resonates with you...

discovery exchanges
New books, new music, new sites, new TikTok challenges, new stories worth sharing... keep the spark and connection alive by sharing what's moved you, made you laugh, made you think...
explore new beats
Curating jam sessions together lets you grow your tastes together whether or not you like the same music.
kiss like it's your first time
So this one is sex-adjacent but the idea is to recreate the epic passion your first kiss where sex isn't the goal. It's simply mastering all that yumminess of kissing, some newness, some kink, some of your old-school moves recreated.

give compliments
This is the one time you can say the same thing over and over to your partner and they'll keep listening... people love to hear what they're good at, what you appreciate about them, whether you think they look hot, how they succeeded at x, y, z... Don't just think it, say it to them.
practice new strokes
Okay, this one is sex... but we're making it educational. Sex coach Tyomi Morgan's Cowgirl Workout gives you 9+ strokes for riding dick... practice with your fave penis.
host a dance party for two
They say you should dance like you fuck (or is it fuck like you dance?)... either way, practicing your moves to music is a great way to connect, play, laugh and get lusty.
do some gallery hopping
Museums or art, walk these creative spaces together and set aside time at the end to talk about what you liked, what you didn't, what moved you, what didn't.
shop for food you'll make together
Hitting the market with the one you love (or lust after) makes grocery runs seems less like errands and more like an extension of foreplay. Look for new foods to try, new flavors to experiment with so the entire process becomes more exciting.
bubbles + bubbles
Tub sex seems like an obvious choice for reconnecting, but we're actually talking about taking your spa time or happy hour (not sex) into your soak. Unwinding at the end of the day sipping bubbles while surrounded in bubbles is a guaranteed intimacy booster.... especially when the pressure for sex is off.
drop into a dance class
Take a class both of you will love, whether it's hip hop, salsa or [insert latest craze here]. Bonus points if you're both terrible and get to laugh your way through lessons.

walk together
A nice long stroll together with zero interruptions gives you time to go beyond small talk with your partner. Slow your pace, stay in the moment, ask questions, share your truths.
take a new exercise class
Nothing like a sweat sesh to get the blood pumping and hormones flowing especially if you're both competitive.
learn something new together
Bonus points if it's an activity that requires you to work together, think surfing, sailing, cooking, cocktailing.

book a recurring date night
The trick is you alternate who plans the activities and you can't repeat exactly what's been done before.
try one of their hobbies + swap
Few things are sexier than watching your partner in their flow, doing what they're passionate about. Let them teach you about something they love and next time, show them what lights you up. Could be a band they love, a sport, an author, an activity...
book at-home mani-pedis w/each other
Couple's that mani-pedi together have more foot fun together. Not sure if that's a thing, but it should be. Sexy feet are hot and the gateway to some yummy toe play... if that's your thing. Sure, you can go to a nail salon but staying at home lets you practice your new massage skills.
What are your fave ways to stay connected with your partner? Tell us how you create intimacy, babe.

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